Master chief petty officer of the navy russ smith signs charge books for chief petty officer selectees aboard the uss constitution. I started out with the idea it would be fun to share from the pages of our charge books. Todays charge book then is a great tradition which has its roots in a magnificent period of our history. Daily racing form horse racing entries results pps. Selectees are required to carry a charge book at all times. Guidelines for the spouses of chief petty officers 30 this book is an excellent source of information for spouses of new chief petty officers as they navigate their way through the cpo training. The cpo charge book is a metaphor for sharing leadership advice. Chiefs have preserved it and have returned it to its. One area of concern is the manner in which we are making charge book entries. Other people will read it the spouses normally write 1 or 2 things during the season. Expert picks, live race video, and home to beyer speed figures. Proper use of charge books is an essential component of the welcome and acceptance into the chiefs mess.
Creative, proudly constructed charge books have been an especially impressive part of the past cpo initiations. The history of the cpo charge book the goat locker usn. Induction training that ive attended has been outstanding and properly focused on the mission, vision and guiding principles. Navy chief petty officer initiation illadvisedly abolished. Cpo promotion lists promulgated by naval message did not become. The other thing a lot do is basically having to write a recommendationeval for your husband stating why you think he would make a good chief. This is an opportunity to teach and share that knowledge. So im thinking about how we can use this fan page as a great resource for anyone that wants to learn. Charge cpo prepaid iq shield matte 202004 comments off on charge cpo prepaid iq shield matte. The main thing is your letternote entry into his charge book. Charge books are a prime means to pay homage to our heritage and the history of the cpo. Guidelines for the spouses of chief petty officers by. Coast guard boatsus coast guardcost guardcoast guard auxiliarymilitary challenge coinsmaster sergeantamerican soldiersarmed forceshat boxes.
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